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Professional Troublemaker - Podcast Cover

Professional Troublemaker Podcast

Fearlessly authentic conversations on Culture, Leadership and Business

Total Downloads: 4 Million+
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Monthly Listeners: 100K+

Creating a life that is authentic, bold, and purposeful takes audacity. It takes disruption. That is what it means to be a Professional Troublemaker. Join New York Times bestselling author, Luvvie Ajayi Jones, as she brings perspectives, conversations and deep dives about culture, business and leadership.

Her guests are world movers and change agents who have gotten where they are through their tenacity, their truth telling and commitment to making good trouble.

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Meet the Host

Luvvie Ajayi Jones Headshot

Luvvie Ajayi Jones is a 4x New York Times bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur who thrives at the intersection of culture, business and leadership.

She has written 4 critically acclaimed bestselling books (including her banner book Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual), establishing her as a literary force with a powerful pen. A 20-year blogging veteran, Luvvie writes on, covering all things culture with a critical yet humorous lens. A prolific writer, she’s also contributed to 5 published anthologies.

Known for her trademark wit, warmth, perpetual truth-telling, and ability to put into words the thoughts few dare to say, Luvvie has graced stages around the globe for some of the world’s most innovative companies and conferences, including Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, MAKERS, SXSW and the Obama White House. Her wildly popular TED talk “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable” has over 9 million views and climbing.

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