Okay y’all, I can’t keep something this good a secret any longer…

Uncover the Strategies That Helped Me Bring In Over $70,000 Directly From The DMs on Instagram 🤯

This would not have been possible without School of Bots’ support.

Social Media Message Marketing

This would not have been possible without School of Bots’ support.

My team and I were blown away by the results!

I’m talking nearly 6 figures generated from my first DM Funnel Launch, with more than 70% of sales coming directly from the DMs…

As well as 6,650 emails collected, with 2,000 of these leads coming from just ONE reel I posted and the DM Funnel tied to it within 24 hours! 🤯

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Now, I want to help YOU harness these same powerful strategies for YOUR business, so you can experience that same sweet feeling of watching your leads and sales from Instagram SKYROCKET 24/7 (without needing to create any more content than you’re already creating right now!).

School of Bots Natasha

1️⃣ Looking to grow your Instagram audience?

To do that you’ll want as much reach and engagement as possible…

Click here to snag Natasha’s ultimate FREE guide to instantly boosting your reach with DM Funnels.

More reach will lead to more followers, and this strategy only takes 10 mins to set up!

Get my guide


2️⃣ Looking to turn your Instagram followers into email list subscribers?

To do that you’ll want to make sure you’re giving your email list a boost EVERY time you post on Instagram (so you’re not just dependent on the algorithm to reach your people and make $$).

Click here to get the proven plug-and-play template for growing your list every time you post!

The average website form collects only 20% of visitors’ emails.

With this template, you’ll be collecting 🔥 85% or more of peoples’ emails!

Just click the button below to get your template.

Get my template

3️⃣ Are your views going up while your sales flatline?

If you have 10k+ followers and want hands-on coaching & high-touch accountability to launch your first revenue-generating DM Funnel in less than 30 days – with a CUSTOM strategy for your business…

Click here to apply to work with Natasha and the School of Bots team.

Perfect for you if –

✔️ You sell courses, coaching, or memberships online.
✔️ You’re posting at least 4x a week on Instagram or have the ability to start doing so.
✔️ You have at least 10,000 followers on Instagram … This is to make sure you have enough people to go through your DM Funnels to get instant, transformational results.
✔️ You or a team member have 5 hours per week to work on your DM Funnel and make the most of the live coaching & support available to you during the four-week program.


Give me the fast track!

A Quick Word Before You Go …

Conversations are at the core of every buying decision a person makes, so as a business owner YOU have an opportunity to stand out and serve your audience more deeply by being a PART of those conversations (rather than forcing them to have them on their own).

I trust no one more than School of Bots to show you how to do this in an authentic, strategic and delightful way that delivers serious ROI for your business. 

So much so that I’ve sent my business besties like The Budgetnista (Tiffany Aliche) her way already… and now, I want YOU to be next.

Just click one of the options above to get started and let’s DO this thing!!

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Site Design Rebecca Pollock
Development Alchemy+Aim