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Unearth Who You Are (with Sarah Jakes Roberts)
Episode 20
About the Episode
This week on Professional Troublemaker, I’m talking with businesswoman, motivational speaker, pastor, and bestselling author Sarah Jakes Roberts.
Sarah is the daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes and Mrs. Serita Jakes and pastors a dynamic community of artists and professionals in Hollywood alongside her husband, Touré Roberts.
During our conversation, Sarah shares the adversities she’s had to overcome that eventually led her to who she is today. Her story is an example of all things coming together for good and the power of discovering your whole purpose through every experience in your life.
Sarah has overcome so many things and risen above it all. When I asked her a bit about what inspires her and keeps her moving forward in moments when she could have been paralyzed by fear, I also had the chance to ask what she would tell someone who isn’t clear on their “why.” I loved her answer:
We so often opt out of the great things we could do to partner with God because we’ve made mistakes and because we feel unworthy. Sarah’s new book, Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life, Sarah talks about the story of Eve and how she finds that story the one she relates to best. That someone who has made mistakes can redeem those broken pieces and make something beautiful and worthy of their life with God’s help.
And her advice for those who are looking for their purpose? We need to make ourselves whole.
Sarah is such an example of someone who is willing to show up with heart, and she’s a leader who demonstrates vulnerability, which is so important and valuable. What glitters is not always gold, and Sarah Jakes Roberts’ story is an example of all things coming together for good and the power of discovering your whole purpose through every experience in your life.
You are your “why.” There is a version of you that you haven’t even met yet. That version of you is so powerful.
You did not come here to be stagnant.
God is willing to still partner with us to bring change to the earth, but
we have to do work in order to find ourselves worthy.
Divided, you cannot find a whole purpose.
A lot of times, we want a whole purpose, but we ourselves are divided.
About the Guest