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Do Well (Letter to My Younger Self) ()
Episode 1 - Little Troublemaker Special
About the Episode
This week, I kick off the return of the podcast with a Letter to my Younger Self. I’m telling her 5 things to remember as this journey of life flows. The lessons that she would have wanted to know early, and not just from trial by fire. And to do so, I have to tap in to that kid I was because the message in the book is one she needed to hear, and one I still need to hear sometimes now.
So take a listen as I go deep into that playful side of Little Luvvie!
This episode is an ode to my younger self. To Little Luvvie.
I’m still this girl. This Little Troublemaker. I look at pictures of me when I was a kid and I smile because I’ve managed to stay true to that girl. I feel like I am honoring her, healing her and helping her every single day.
There are probably other things she’s wondering about growing up and what grown up me has learned, and while there are so many things I could share, things I really want her to know.
Little Luvvie is smart and capable, she feels like she can do everything herself. “I got it!” is one of her favorite things to say. But I wanna remind her that she doesn’t have to do it all by herself, that when you’re small, the world can feel really big, mysterious, scary and overwhelming. We can always ask for help.
Another thing I’d love her to know, is that good intentions are not enough. To let her remember that though she’s small, she is mighty. And so is her mouth. I know she’s ready to challenge something or someone, but before she does, I want her to ask herself 3 questions before:
- Do I mean it?
- Can I defend it?
- Can I say it with love?
And one more thing I’d love for her to never forget, is that she should take up space in any room she’s in. Because she belongs there. When tempted to be smaller or to shrink, I want her to remember that she is truly there to make a positive impact. For her to use her boldness, heart, gumption, courage to inspire others. To wield it well, and responsibly.
Shareable Moments:
- 5 things important things I want Little Luvvie to remember:
- You can learn and grow from your mistakes.
- When you make a mess, take responsibility to clean it up.
- It is okay to ask for help.
- Good intentions should come with good actions.
- Take up space, even when you want to shrink.
- Good intentions are not enough. Sometimes, just saying you care isn’t enough. You have to take action. You have to be there. You have to show up, and show people that they matter. You have to DO good, not just BE good.
- Never forget that the same determination you use to achieve your goals can be the same fire that fuels you to make a positive difference in the world.
About the Guest